THIS app, like so many other "news" apps like it, has become a POS. Its an Easter egg hunt for the actual story you went there to read or watch, only to be swallowed up by BS and advertisements interspersed throughout. You wanna watch a video of a storm, a breaking story, etc? Youll have to sit through BS ads. EVERY TIME. I understand that if I want to read or watch a feel good story about kittens, some candidates campaign, or who got arrested that I must endure the ad-supported content that makes the miracle of news on my iPhone a reality. HOWEVER it pains me to no end that each and every piece of fluff to breaking severe weather that I have to sift through or wait for ads to get through any details. Suggestion: put your requisite ads up front, limit to one or two, and give the reader the meat of the story. Then dump all the news-entertainment crap under it. Im about to delete this and other local news apps to avoid the ads overkill.